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North Macedonia

North Macedonia

50th IMO 2009

MKD at IMO 2009 Bodan ArsovskiBojan JoveskiStefan StojchevskiPredrag GruevskiFilip TalimdzioskiStefan Lozanovski

Contestant []P1P2P3P4P5P6TotalRankAward
Team results342571690913666.02%S, B, B, B, HM
Bodan Arsovski777270305490.60%Silver medal
Bojan Joveski6703001623358.87%Bronze medal
Stefan Stojchevski6207001524956.03%Bronze medal
Predrag Gruevski7104201426453.37%Bronze medal
Filip Talimdzioski7300001033540.78%Honourable mention
Stefan Lozanovski150000641626.42%
Leader: Vesna Manova-Erakovik
Deputy leader: Alekso Malcheski

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