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South Africa

South Africa

64th IMO 2023

SAF at IMO 2023 Moied BalegHugo BruwerMinkyum KimYoukyum KimJared SlaterYian Xu

Contestant []P1P2P3P4P5P6TotalRankAward
Team results40120361701055154.95%S, B, HM, HM, HM, HM
Moied Baleg7107001536640.84%Honourable mention
Hugo Bruwer7107101634943.60%Honourable mention
Minkyum Kim5107702025958.18%Bronze medal
Youkyum Kim7707702810483.31%Silver medal
Jared Slater7107201731549.11%Honourable mention
Yian Xu710100945925.77%Honourable mention
Leader: Liam Baker
Deputy leader: Malwande Nqobani Nkonyane

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