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Serbia and Montenegro

Serbia and Montenegro

44th IMO 2003

SCG at IMO 2003 Aleksandar IlićJelena MilanovićMilan NovakovićAleksandar BrankovićMarko RadovanovićAleksandar Pejčev

Contestant []P1P2P3P4P5P6TotalRankAward
Team results2672422311012372.84%S, S, S, B, HM, HM
Aleksandar Ilić711770235987.28%Silver medal
Jelena Milanović7207101712473.03%Bronze medal
Milan Novaković2017001024746.05%Honourable mention
Aleksandar Branković100710926941.23%Honourable mention
Marko Radovanović720770235987.28%Silver medal
Aleksandar Pejčev220771199878.73%Silver medal

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