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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

12th IMO 1970

USS at IMO 1970 Andrei HodulevArkadiy KlimovVelo AltliesSergei SemenkovAleksander KorlyukovAleksei Aleksandrov

Contestant []P1P2P3P4P5P6TotalRankAward
Team results221292.31%G, G, S, B, B, B
Andrei Hodulev578668401100.00%Gold medal
Arkadiy Klimov39497.30%Gold medal
Velo Altlies243073.87%Bronze medal
Sergei Semenkov272281.08%Bronze medal
Aleksander Korlyukov243073.87%Bronze medal
Aleksei Aleksandrov35893.69%Silver medal
* Names and scores are known but cannot be matched.

Leader: Michail Ilyich Serov

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